

Yoga und Pilates unterstützen dich darin, dein Bewusstsein für deinen eigenen Körper zu verfeinern und deine tiefe innere Kraft zu stärken und zu nutzen. Beide lenken deine Aufmerksamkeit auf den gegenwärtigen Moment. Du setzt deinen Atem gezielt ein, um dich in seinem Fluss zu bewegen, kraftvoller und gleichzeitig geschmeidiger sowie geerdeter zu werden und allfällige körperliche, geistige und emotionale Blockaden zu beseitigen.

Hatha Yoga

My Hatha Yoga classes work with the body and the breath to peel away layers of built-up tensions and allow the body/mind a respite from the overstimulation and stressors of daily life. In our yoga practice, we enter a space where we can shed all of the many roles we assume to just be with ourselves in the present moment. We start to recognize the nature of the whirlwind mind, gain greater clarity and enjoy our lives more by being aware of this constant ebb and flow of thoughts and emotions. We learn to sit in the present moment and experience the essence of pure being just as we are, and that is okay. This is the Union of Yoga: body, breath, mind and spirit.

I teach a structured and precise flow where practitioners have the guidance they need for a safe practice, while at the same time allowing for play and individual experimentation. A mixture of traditional Yoga Asanas in proper alignment with attention to a strong, vibrant core allows for flowing movements and embodied practices that work to massage and nourish the body/mind and tap into the energetic subtleties of breath in form.

  • Wednesday, 18.30-19.30 with Gisela (Studio & ONLINE LIVE, English)


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