Postnatal Pilates & Yoga

Together with midwives, specialised Pilates and pelvic floor trainers, we have developed our efficient and effective concept "Postnatal training with Pilates". You will experience the anatomy and fascial connections of your pelvic floor, learn to recognise it and strengthen it with gentle Pilates exercises. You will train your deep abdominal muscles, optimise your healthy posture, reduce back pain and help you to achieve a relaxed shoulder girdle. Our guided breathing and relaxation exercises will help you find inner peace and balance. We also support you in the healing process of rectus diastasis, give you valuable everyday tips and have time to answer your questions personally. In addition, we also offer you the opportunity to specifically address your body and your needs during your postnatal period in personal training. Our "Postnatal training with baby" sessions offer you another opportunity to train and become more aware of your body and strengthen it.

The ideal time to start your 'postnatal training with Pilates & yoga' is six to eight weeks after a spontaneous labour and eight to ten weeks after a caesarean section.

We offer you the following "Postnatal training with Pilates & Yoga" programme.


Postnatal Pilates & Yoga classes are essential for all after the experience of pregnancy and childbirth – no matter how the baby was born. Pregnancy and birth are taxing to the body, and a program of rehabilitation is necessary for re-aligning and re-structuring the body. Our classes are recommended as of 6-8 weeks after birth. We focus on establishing good alignment and posture, connecting to and strengthening deep core and structural muscles in the belly, back and pelvic floor by using deep breathing as our primary tool and relieving tension and fatigue by promoting self-care routines. Babies are integrated into the class and enjoy watching mum enjoy an accessible movement practice tailored to her needs. Being with other new mothers allows participants to connect and build community at a time when previous social contacts and networks may seem foreign or outdated. Embracing a community of support is extremely helpful in combatting feelings of isolation and mood disorders that are so common in the postpartum phase. We welcome you and your baby.

  • Monday, 13.30-14.30 - Postnatal Yoga with Baby (Studio & ONLINE LIVE, English/German)
  • Monday, 20.15-21.15 – Pilates Postnatal+ (ONLINE LIVE, German)
  • Wednesday, 20.15-21.15 – Postnatal Yoga without Baby (Studio & ONLINE LIVE, English/German)


Postnatal Pilates COURSE (WITHOUT BABY)

Postnatal Pilates is a nine-part, progressive course. After each training session you will receive a programme that you can use at home and that will accompany you week after week. In addition, we give you valuable tips for everyday life and have enough time to answer your questions personally. As a bonus, you will receive free access to our online programme YOUR REGRESSION AFTER BIRTH on our ON DEMAND platform (in German) for one year.  


  • CHF 310

All course dates for our 9-part postnatal courses


In personal training we can specifically address your needs, create a training programme tailored to you and accompany you personally. Your baby is also welcome.

If you are interested, please send us an email with your preferred training times.

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